Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eight months!

By some miracle of organization, I took Auletta's eight-month pictures, put them on SmugMug, and am posting them here, all on her actual eight-month birthday! Don't get used to it. It won't happen next month, for reasons to be disclosed.

Anyway, here is the cuteness:

One of those dresses I bought a year ago when I found out I was having a girl. It has turned out to be as cute on her as I'd hoped, and good on sweltering days like today.

I signed Auletta up for a program at the library for 0-3-year-olds and their caregivers, which meets three mornings a week, starting today. I keep calling it storytime, but it actually involves like one story and then various songs, rhymes, games, etc., all with a predictable amount of chaos given the age group. Auletta, if I may say, is one of the best behaved children there, probably because she's still essentially immobile. She is starting to crawl backwards but in such situations seems content to sit and watch the bigger kids crawl and walk, and grab them if they get too close. Storytime is as much for me to meet other moms as it is for Auletta to meet other kids, although she is so rarely around children her own age that I think it will be good for her to start socializing, to the extent that infants socialize. Also I am hoping the time spent in the library will make her additionally nerdy.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

You have excellent taste in dresses. :) I have found that time spent in libraries does lead to book-loving children. Alexandra attends the Tuesday evening Pajamarama storytime at the Bothell Library (where Catherine works) - and yes, they get to wear their jammies to storytime. She loves it, and we usually let her play on the library computers (they have some very fun math/reading game programs) afterward.